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(Click individual covers for enlarged versions)


ItalBoxSet.jpg Box11.jpg Box21.jpg Box31.jpg box51.jpgBoxed Sets

  • First four Hobby & Work titles are issued in a boxed set as Le indagini di sorella Fidelma at €49.90. ISBN is 13-978-8878510074 and the box set comes with a gift of as pen.
  • UK company Past Times published four boxed sets. Three sets contain three volumes each and one set contains two volumes comprising short stories.
    • Celtic Whodunnits: The Sister Fidelma Mysteries, No 0101, 1998
    • More Celtic Whodunnits: The Sister Fidelma Mysteries No 9624, 1999
    • Yet More Celtic Whodunnits: The Sister Fidelma Mysteries, ISBN 9-9999-9106-8, 2000
    • Celtic Whodunnits Short Stories (Hemlock At Vespers I and Hemlock At Vespers II)  ISBN 9-9999-8774-5
  • FrenchBox1.jpgEditions 10/18 produced slip case for four Fidelma titles - Absolution par le muertre, Le suaire de l'archeveque, Les cinq royaumes andLe ruse du serpent. The slip case is sold as Coffret Peter Tremayne 2005, ISBN 2-264042923. Coffret is a "little chest."

97837466337251.jpgWorld First Editions

   (Fidelma novellas and short stories, collected in book form, for the first time)



  • Die Wahrheit ist der Lüge Tod ("The Lair of the White Fox" and other stories), ISBN 978-3-7466-3372-5, February 16, 2018

** This is a German language volume of previously uncollected Fidelma stories, a number of which "pre-date" Eadulf - and some of the later ones are set in Fidelma’s first years at Brehon Morann’s law school. 

Large31.jpg Large21.jpg Large11.jpgLarge Print Editions

·         Magna Large Print Books (UK)

    • Absolution By Murder, 1996
    • Shroud for the Archbishop, 1996
    • The Subtle Serpent, 1998
    • The Spider's Web, 1998
    • Valley of the Shadow, 1999
    • The Monk Who Vanished, 2000

·         LargePrintFrench.jpgA Vue d'Oeil

    • Absolution par le Meurtre, April 2007

Peter Tremayne Omni E.jpg 1507-11.jpg FRENCH REPRINT1.jpgOmnibus Editions

  • The Sister Fidelma 20th Anniversary Collection (Absolution By Murder, Shroud for the Archbishop and Suffer Little Children) available in eBook format (E61630) only, Headline, London, September 2014, ISBN 978-1-472225475
  • Les Deux Premiéres Enquêtes de Soeur Fidelma (the first two Fidelma titles in French Omnibus), Editions 10-18, Paris, November 2015
  • Le suaire de l'Archevêque suivi de Absolution par le meurtre, March 2018 (a reprint and new cover of above title)
  • Nur der Tod bringt Vergebung & Ein Totenhemd für den Erzbischof - Zwei Krimis in einem E-Book (Absolution By Murder & Shroud for the Archbishop - 2-in-1 eBook) Aufbau, March 2018
  • Tod in Skriptorium & Die Tote im Klosterbrunnen E-Book (Suffer Little Children & The Subtle Serpent - 2-in-1 eBook, ISBN 978-3-8412-3003-4 at €9.99) Aufbau, January 2022

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The following are adapted by Antonio Muñoz, art by Joseph Ferrer and Carlos Vila.

  • Absolutie door moord, (Dutch, Absolution by Murder), ARBORIS, Zelhelm, Netherlands  (De Luxe Edition) ISBN 978 903430 5558
  • Absolutie door moord,  ARBORIS, Zelhelm, Netherlands (hardcover edition)  ISBN 978 903430 5541
  • Absolutie door moord, ARBORIS, Zelhelm, Netherlands (softcover edition) ISBN 978 903430 5534
  • Absolution By Murder, (English edition) Zelhelm, Netherlands (softcover edition) 978 908606 0436
  • Lijkwade voor een aartsbisschop (Shroud for the Archbishop) ARBORIS, Zelhelm, Netherlands (softcover edition), March 2017
  • Lijkwade voor een aartsbisschop (Shroud for the Archbishop) ARBORIS, Zelhelm, Netherlands (hardcover edition), March 2017
  • Shroud for the Archbishop, (English edition) ARBORIS, Zelhelm, Netherlands (softcover edition), September 2017

Foreign Language Editions

As requested by our many members around the world, below is an updated complete breakdown of all foreign language editions to date. See below for country-specific information.

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VYSEHRAD (Czech Republic)

  • Rozhreseni vrazdou (Absolution By Murder) 2004
  • Nechte Malickych (Suffer Little Children) 2004
  • Paní tenmot (Our Lady of Darkness) August 2005
  • Dym ve vertu (Smoke in the Wind) March 2007
  • Opat S Mecem (The Haunted Abbot) October 2007
  • Zly Uplnek (Badger's Moon) June 2008
  • Zvon Malomocného (The Leper's Bell) 2008
  • Pán Dusí (Master of Souls) July 2009
  • Modlitba za zatrancence (A Prayer for the Damned) December 2009
  • Tenec s Démony (Dancing With Demons) July 2010
  • Ztraceny Relikviár (Council of the Cursed) November 2010
  • Holubice smrti (The Dove of Death) June 2011
  • Kalich Kvre (The Chalice of Blood) February 2012
  • Rubás pro arcibiskups (Shroud for the Archbishop) October 2012
  • Jezdec vestí smrt (Behold A Pale Horse) May 2013
  • Sedmá Polnice (The Seventh Trumpet) October 2013
  • Symbol smrti (The Subtle Serpent) August 2014
  • Vykouponí krví (Atonement of Blood) August 2015
  • Pavoucí Sít (The Spider's Web) May 2016
  • Dábloca Pecet (The Devil's Seal) 2016
  • Údolí Stínu (Valley of the Shadow) September 2017
  • Druhá Smrt (The Second Death) April 2018
  • Mnich Který Zmízel (The Monk Who Vanished) 2019
  • Pokání Mrtvých (Penance of the Damned) October 2019
  • Smrt z Milosti (Act of Mercy) November 2, 2020
  • Noc Světlonoše (Night of the Lightbringer) June 2021
  • Krvavý měsíc (Bloodmoon) June 2022
  • Krev vráji (Blood in Eden) June 2023
  • Dourê Ulkodlaka (The Shapeshifter's Lair) April 2024
  • Forthcoming
    • House of Death, 2025

Portugese.jpgPANDA BOOKS, EDITORA ORIGINAL (Portugal, Brazil)

· Morte por Luxúrua (Absolution By Murder), the Brazilian (Portuguese) edition of the first of the Sister Fidelma titles from Panda Books of Sao Paolo, Brazil. Published June 2005, ISBN 85-87537-81-4.

ERA2.jpg era3.jpg Bulgarian11.jpgERA (Bulgaria)

  • Shroud for the Archbishop, March 2007
  • Suffer Little Children, August 2007
  • The Spider's Web, October 2008

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EDHASA (Spain)


  • Absolution Por Asesinato (Absolution by Murder) 2001
  • Una Mortaia Para El Arzobispo (Shroud for the Archbishop) 2002
  • Sufrid, Pequenos (Suffer Little Children) 2002
  • La Serpiente Sutil (The Subtle Serpent) 2003
  • La Telaraña (The Spider's Web) 2004-05-31
  • El Valle de las Sombras (Valley of the Shadow) June 2005
  • El Monje Desapapecido (The Monk Who Vanished) June 2006
  • Un Acto de Misericordia (Act of Mercy) June 2007
  • Nuestra Senora de las Tinieblas (Our Lady of Darkness) July 2008

SpanPB11.jpg SpanPBK21.jpgPaperbacks

  • La Telaraña (The Spider's Web) 2004
  • La Serpiente Sutil (The Subtle Serpent) 2005

POLAR (Edhasa)

  • Absolución par Asessinato (Absolution By Murder) February 2015

QuintetoA.jpg 97884971114611.jpgQUINTETO (Spanish Paperbacks)

  • Absolution Por Asesinato (Absolution By Murder) October 2009
  • Una mortaia para el Arzbispo (Shroud for the Archbishop) October 2010

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EDICIONES ALTAYA - Colección – Historical Crime (Newsstand Editions)

  • Published in 2007
    • 1 Absolución por Asesinato (Absolution By Murder)
    • 9 Una mortaia para al Arzobispo (Shroud for the Archbishop)
    • 15 Sufrid Pequeños (Suffer Little Children)
    • 23 La Serpiente Sutil (The Subtle Serpent)
    • 31 La Telaraña (The Spider's Web)
    • 39 El Valle de las Sombras (Valley of the Shadow)
    • 45 El Monie Desaparecido (The Monk Who Vanished)

PEUCO.jpg tapa susurros de
los muertos1.jpg tapa CICUTA mail.jpg Tapa Un Sudario (web)1.jpgPEUCO EDITORES (Argentina)

  • Cicuta al Anochecer (Hemlock At Vespers) October 2005
  • Susurros de los Muertos (Whispers of the Dead) December 2006
  • Sinodo en Witebia (Absolution By Murder) 2007
  • Un sudaro para Arzobispo (Shroud for the Archbishop) May 2009

HOBBY1.jpg HOBBY2.jpg HOBBY3.jpg Fidelma 9.jpg serpentits.jpg innocentits.jpgHOBBY & WORK (Italy) - Hobby & Work Publishing S.r.l., via Achille Varisco 1, 20052 Monza, MI, Italy

  • L'Abbazia degli Innocenti (Suffer Little Children) 2001
  • L'Astuzia del Serpente (The Subtle Serpent) 2002
  • I Crimini del Ragno (The Spider's Web) 2002
  • Un Sudaio per Il Vescovo (Shroud for the Archbishop) 2003
  • Nostra Signora delle Tenebre (Our Lady of Darkness) October 2004
  • L'Abate Maledetto (The Haunted Abbot) July 2005
  • Delitti di Fuoco (Smoke in the Wind) 2006
  • Luna assassina (Badger's Moon) December 15, 2006
  • Rintocchi di Morte (The Leper's Bell) July 2007
  • Una preghiera per i dannati (A Prayer for the Damned) March 2008
  • Danzando con il Diavolo (Dancing With Demons) January 2009
  • I neri agenti della notte (An Ensuing Evil) September 2009

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HOBBY & WORK (Paperbacks) - Hobby & Work Publishing S.r.l., via Achille Varisco 1, 2005, Monza, MI, Italy

  • Nostra Signora delle Tenebre (Our Lady of Darkess) March 2009
  • L'Abate Maledetto (The Haunted Abbot) March 2009
  • Delitti di Fuoco (Smoke in the Wind) July 2009
  • Luna assassina (Badger's Moon) July 2009
  • Rintocchi di morte (The Leper's Bell) 2010
  • Una Preghiera per Dannati (A Prayer for the Damned) 2010
  • Danzando con il Diavolo (Dancing With Demons) March 2011
  • I neri agenti della nottee (An Ensuing Evil) April 2012

tea1.jpg TEA21.jpg TEA31.jpg tea11.jpgTASCABILI EDITORE (TEA) - mass market Italian paperbacks

  • L'Abbazia degli Innocenti, March 2004
  • L'Astuzia del Serpente, December 2004
  • I Crimini del Ragno, May 2005
  • Un Suderio per il Vescovo, September 2006 

HachetteItalia.jpg Italy41.jpg Italy21.jpg Italy51.jpg ITALYAA1.jpgHACHETTE ITALIA (Newsstand paperbacks only)

SERIES Codici segreti della Storia  - Series No.

  • 32. L'Abate Maledetto (The Haunted Abbot) July 29, 2006
  • 36. L'Abbazia degli innocent (Suffer Little Children) August 28, 2006
  • 48. L'astutzia de serpente (The Subtle Serpent) November 25, 2006
  • 49. Un Sudario per il vescovo (Shroud for the Archbishop) December 2, 2006
  • 50. Nostra signora delle tenebre (Our Lady of Darkness) December 9, 2006

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DE LEESKAMER (Netherlands) 

  • Absolutie voor moord (Absolution By Murder) May 2003
  • Lijkwade voor een aartsbischop (Shroud for the Archbishop) May 2004
  • Moord in de abdij (Suffer Little Children) June 2005
  • De listige slang (The Subtle Serpent) May 2006
  • Het web van Araglin (The Spider's Web) Autumn 2006
  • De vallei van het kwaad (The Valley of the Shadows) May 2007
  • De verdwenen monnik (The Monk Who Vanished) October 2007
  • Dood van een pelgrim (Act of Mercy) May 2008
  • Vrouwe van het duister (Our Lady of Darkness) October 2008
  • Het klooster van de dode zielen (Smoke in the Wind) May 2009
  • De gekwelde abt (The Haunted Abbot) October 2009
  • De nacht van de das (Badger's Moon) June 2010
  • De leprozenbel (The Leper’s Bell) October 2011
  • Moord uit de golven (Master of Souls) October 2012
  • Een gebed voor de verdoemden (A Prayer for the Damned) July 2013
  • Dansen met demonen (Dancing With Demons) February 2015
  • Het Valse concilie (Council of the Cursed) January 2017
  • De duif des doods (The Dove of Death) October 2019
  • De bloedkelk (The Chalice of Blood) August 2020
  • Da Zevende Bacuin (The Seventh Trumpet) August 2021
  • Verlossing door bloed (Atonement of Blood) June 2022
  • En de hel Volgde hem (Behold a Pale Horse) March 2023
  • Bezoeleld halo (Hemlock At Vespers) May 2024
  • Het zegel van de duivel (The Devil's Seal) May 2024

Fidelma 6.jpg Fidelma 5.jpgROWOHLT (Germany)

  • Nur der Tod bringt Vergebung (Absolution By Murder) 1998
  • Ein Totenhemd für den Erzbischof (Shroud for the Archbishop) 1998

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  • Nur der Tod bringt Vergebung (new edition) 2003
  • Ein Totenhemd für deb Erzbischof (new edition) 2003
  • Die Tote im Klosterbrunnen (The Subtle Serpent) 2000
  • Tod im Skriptorium (Suffer Little Children) 2001
  • Der Tote am Steinkreuz (The Spider's Web) 2001
  • Tod in der Königsburg (The Monk Who Vanished) 2002
  • Tod auf dem Pilgerschiff (Act of Mercy) 2002
  • Vor dem Tod sind alle gleich (Our Lady of Darkness) 2003
  • Das Kloster der toten Seelen (Smoke in the Wind) July 2004
  • Verneig dich vor dem Tod (The Haunted Abbot) January 2005
  • Tod bei Vollmond (Badger's Moon) June 2005
  • Tod im Tal der Heiden (Valley of the Shadow) January 2006
  • Der Tod Soll Auf Euch Kommen (The Leper's Bell) June 2006
  • Tod vor den Morgenmesse (Master of Souls) February 2007
  • Ein Gebet für Verdammten (A Prayer for the Damned) May 2007
  • Tod den alten Gotten (Dancing With Demons) July 2008
  • Das Konzil der Verdammten (Council of the Cursed) December 2008
  • Der Falsche Apostel (Hemlock at Vespers) April 30, 2009
  • Eine Taube bringt den Tod (The Dove of Death) January 2010
  • Der Blutkeltch (Chalice of Blood) December 2010
  • Die Todesfee (Whispers of the Dead) October 2011
  • Und die Hölle folgte ihm nach (Behold A Pale Horse) February 2012
  • Die Pforten der Todes (The Seventh Trumpet) December 2012
  • Das Sühneopfer (Atonement of Blood) December 2013
  • Sendboten des Teufels (The Devil's Seal) December 2014
  • Der Lohn der Sünde (The Second Death) February 2016
  • Der Tod wird euch verschlingen (Penance of the Damned) December 2016
  • Die Wahrheit ist der Lüge Tod ("The Lair of the White Fox" and other stories) ISBN 978-3-7466-3372-5, February 16, 2018
  • Ihr Los ist Firsternis (The Night of the Lightbringer) October 2018 
  • Wer Lügen Sät (Bloodmoon) August 16, 2019
  • Die Sünden der Gerechten (Blood in Eden) November 2020
  • Tod den finisteren Mächten (The Shapeshifter's Lair) translated by Bela Wohl, November 15, 2021
  • Das Pestschrift (House of Death) translated by Bela Wohl, November 15, 2022
  • Der Tod des Ketzers (Death of a Heretic) November 14, 2023
  • Forthcoming
    • Wer Sturm sät (Revenge of the Stormbringer) December 2024
    • Prophet of Blood (2025)

AUFPBK11.jpg AUFPbk21.jpg AUF11.jpgAufbau Special Promotional Paperbacks (German)

·         Die Tote im Klosterbrunnen (The Subtle Serpent) 9th ed. 2004

·         Nur Der Tod Bringt Vergbung (Absolution By Murder) 6th ed. 2005

·         Tod auf den Pilgerschiff (Act of Mercy) July, 2013 (nb: special edition with additional article on Fidelma historical background from Mirogue magazine)

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  • Tod im Skriptorium, 2004 
  • Tod vor der Morgenmesse - mit Die Freistatt (Master of Souls with "The Sanctuary," an extra Fidelma short story) October 2007
  • Der Tote am Steinkreuze (The Spider's Web) October 2007

R&L21.jpg TOD1.jpgRütten and Loening, Berlin

  • Tod im Skriptorium (mit musik CD) 2006 [special gift hardcover edition with a CD of Irish music]
  • Tod in der Königsbuirg (The Monk Who Vanished) October, 2016 (special illustrated collector's item)

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  • Nur der Tod bringt Vergebung March 2008
  • Die Tote im Klosterbrunnen March 2008
  • Tod in der Kongisburg March 2008

weltbild1.jpg Weltbild31.jpg WELTBILD21.jpg WELTBILDC1.jpg weltbildD1.jpg WeltbildNew1.jpg WeltbildB1.jpg WeltbildA1.jpgWeltbild-Editionen

A special collector's edition in hardcover which the publishers have announced as "For the first time and the only such publication in the world, there is now a complete Sister Fidelma series in a uniform edition."

  • Nur der Tod bringt Vegebung (Absolution By Murder) January 2015
  • Ein Totenhemd fur den Erzbischof (Shroud for the Archbishop) February 2015
  • Tod im Skriptorium (Suffer Little Children) February 2015
  • Die Tote im Klosterbrunnen (The Subtle Serpent) March 2015
  • Der Tote am Steinkreuz (The Spider's Web) March 2015
  • Tod im Tal der Heiden (Valley of the Shadow) November 2015
  • Tod in der Konigsburg  (The Monk Who Vanished) November 2015
  • Tod aud der Pilgershiff (Act of Mercy) December 2015
  • Vor dem Tod sind alle gleich (Our Lady of Darkness) 2016
  • Das Kloster der toten Seelend (Smoke in the Wind) 2016
  • Verneig dich vor dem Tod (The Haunted Abbot) 2016
  • Tod bei Vollmond (Badger's Moon) 2016

LingenMiss2.jpg LINGEN1.jpg Lingen31.jpg Lingen21.jpg Lingen1A1.jpg untitled11.jpg LingenSpider1.jpg LingenMiss1.jpgLingen Verlag, Berlin

  • Die Tote im Klosterbrunnen (popular hardcover edition, June 2006)
  • Nur Der Tod bringt Vergebung (popular hardcover edition, April 2007)
  • Tod auf dem Pilgershift, June 2008
  • Tod im Scriptorium, November 2009
  • Ein Totenhemd für den Erzbishof (special edition) May 2010
  • Vor dem Tod sind alle gleich, June 2011
  • Der Tod Soll Auf Euch Kommen (The Leper's Bell) July 2013
  • Der Tote am Steinkreuz (The Spider's Web) September 2014

DIE ZEIT1.jpgDIE ZEIT (special edition from the mass market German newspaper)

  • Das Konzil der Verdammten (July 2010); Special introduction by Martina Hartmann

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EDITIONS 10-18 (France)

  • Absolution par le meutre (Absolution by Murder) 2004
  • Le suaire de l'archeveque (Shroud for the Archbishop) 2004
  • Les cinq royaumes (Suffer Little Children) 2004
  • La ruse du serpent (The Subtle Serpent) June, 2005
  • Le secret de móen (The Spider's Web) 2005
  • La mort aux trois visages (Valley of the Shadows) May 2006
  • Le sang du moine (The Monk Who Vanished) December 2006
  • La pèlerinage de soeur Fidelma (Act of Mercy) May 2007
  • La dame des ténèbres (Our Lady of Darkness) November 2007
  • Les disparus de dyfed (Smoke in the Wind) April 2008
  • La châtiment de l'au-delà (The Haunted Abbot) October 2008
  • Les mystères de la luna (Badger's Moon) January 2009
  • De la ciguë pour les veprês (Hemlock At Vespers) July 2009
  • La cloche du lépreux (The Lepers Bell) November 2009
  • Maitre des âmes (Master of Souls) March 2010
  • Une prière pour les damnés (A Prayer for the Damned) November 2010
  • Une danse avec les démons, (Dancing with Demons) February 2011
  • Le concile des maudits (The Council of the Cursed) July 2011
  • La colombe de la mort (The Dove of Death) April 5, 2012
  • La parole des morts (Whispers of the Dead) July 2012
  • Un calice de sang (The Chalice of Blood) February 2013
  • Le cavalier blanc (Behold A Pale Horse) October 17, 2013
  • La septième trompette (The Seventh Trumpet) 2014
  • Expiation par le sang (Atonement of Blood) Autumn 2014
  • Le sceau diable (The Devil's Seal) May 2015
  • La confrérie du corbeau (The Second Death) June 2016
  • La pénitence des damnés (Penance of the Damned) March 2017
  • La nuit du porte-lumière (Night of the Lightbringer) May 2018
  • Une lune de sang (Bloodmoon) May 2019
  • Du sang au paradis (Blood in Eden) January 2021
  • Le jeteus de sort (The Shapeshifter's Lair) August 2021
  • Le conseil de sept (The House of Death) July 2022
  • Mort d’un hérétique (Death of a Heretic) August 2023
  • La fill de la Tempête (Revenge of the Stormbringer) May 2024
  • Forthcoming
    • Prophet of Blood, 2025

FrenchBookf of Month1.jpg FrenchBookofMonth2.jpgFrench "Book of the Month Club" (Grand Livres du Mois)

  • Absolution par le meurtre, January 2005
  • Le suaire de l'archeveque, 2005

Greek1.jpg Greek2.jpg Greek3.jpg greek1.gif greek2.gif Themelio Greek1.jpgTHEMELIO (Greece)

  • Absolution By Murder, 1996
  • Shroud for the Archbishop, 1997
  • Suffer Little Children, 2002
  • Valley of the Shadow, 2003
  • Act of Mercy, 2005
  • Our Lady of Darkness, 2006

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  • 蜘蛛の巣〈下〉   蜘蛛の巣〈上〉 (The Spider's Web) November 2006*

  • 幼き子らよ、我がもとへ〈上〉  幼き子らよ、我がもとへ〈下〉  (Suffer Little Children) September 2007*
  • 修道女フィデルマの叡智  (The Poison Chalice and other stories) 2009
    • (The Poison Chalice, At the Tent of Holofernes, Our Lady of Death, The High King's Sword, A Scream from the Sepulchre)
  •  修道女フィデルマの洞察 (Hemlock at Vespers and other stories) 2010
    • (Invitation to a Poisoning, Murder in Repose, The Horse that Died for Shame, Murder By Miracle and Hemlock At Vespers)
  • 蛇、もっとも禍し〈上〉  蛇、もっとも禍し〈下〉  (The Subtle Serpent) November 2009*  
  • 死をもちて赦されん (Absolution By Murder) January 2011
  • サクソンの司教冠 (Shroud for the Archbishop) March 2012
  • 修道女フィデルマの探求  (A Canticle for Wulfstan and other stories) 2012
    • (Holy Blood, Tarnished Halo, Abbey Sinister, Those That Trespass, A Canticle for Wulfstan)
  • 翳深き谷〈下〉 翳深き谷〈上〉 (The Valley of the Shadow) December 2013*
  • 消えた修道士〈上〉 消えた修道士〈下〉 (The Monk Who Vanished) November 2015*
  • 修道女フィデルマの挑戦  (Whispers of the Dead and other stories) 2017
    • (The Comb Bag, The Blemish, Whispers of the Dead, The Banshee, The Lost Eagle, Dark Moon Rising)
  • 憐れみをなす者〈上〉  憐れみをなす者〈下〉 (Act of Mercy) February 2021*
  • 修道女フィデルマの采配  (The Heir Apparent and other stories) 2022
    • (The Astrologer Who Predicted His Own Murder, Who Stole the Fish?, The Fosterer, Cry ‘Wolf’!, The Heir Apparent)
  • 昏き聖母〈上〉  昏き聖母〈下〉 (Our Lady of Darknesss) March 10, 2023*
  • Forthcoming
    • Smoke in the Wind
* Depending on the length of the translated book, the publisher often issues a title in a 2-volume set

Russian.jpgFLUID Publishing (Russia)

  • Absolution By Murder, March 2008

Estonian1.jpg Estonian3.jpg Estoniann2.jpgODAMEES (Estonia)

  • Lunastus mõrva läbi (Absolution By Murder) November 2006
  • Peapiiskopi surilina (Shroud for the Archbishop) 2007
  • Laske lapsukesed (Suffer Little Children) September 2008

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  • Kaval madu (The Subtle Serpent) January 2018

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  • Cien Kruczego Skrzydla (Absolution By Murder) September 2007

fralsande_mord_framobak1.jpgARGUMENT FORLAG AB (Sweden)

  • Frälsande Mord (Absolution By Murder) September 2007


  • Arkebiskopens Hemlighet (Shroud for the Archbishop) April 2009

COVER-KEGID1.jpg Koulm ar Marv1.jpgABER EMBANN (Breizh)

  • Koulm ar Marv (The Dove of Death) October 2010
  • Kegid d'ar Gousparou (Hemlock at Vespers) September 2014

golo12.jpg golo3.jpg behold a pale horse4.jpgAN  ALARC'H (Breizh)

  • Absolvenn dre vuntur (Absolution By Murder) October, 2012
  • Marv an arc'heskob (Shroud for the Archbishop) October 2016
  • Marc'heger ar Marv (Behold A Pale Horse) 2019

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  • Scréach ón Tuama (A Scream from the Sepulchre) December 2008

Audio Books

UK (English Language) Audio Books being released by HeadlinePeter Tremayne Audio visuals1.jpg

  • Absolution by Murder (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 1) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 25-July-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269812
  • Shroud for the Archbishop (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 2) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 25-July-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269829
  • Suffer Little Children (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 3) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 25-July-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269836
  • The Subtle Serpent (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 4) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 25-July-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269843
  • The Spider's Web (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 5) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 25-July-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269850
  • Valley of the Shadow (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 6) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 25-July-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269881
  • The Monk who Vanished (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 7) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 25-July-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269898
  • Act of Mercy (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 8) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 8-August-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269904
  • Hemlock at Vespers (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 9) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 8-August-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269911
  • Our Lady of Darkness (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 10) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 8-August-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269928
  • Smoke in the Wind (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 11) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 8-August-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269935
  • The Haunted Abbot (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 12) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 8-August-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269942
  • Badger's Moon (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 13) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 8-August-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269959
  • The Leper's Bell (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 14) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 8-August-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269966
  • Whispers of the Dead (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 15) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 22-August-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269409
  • Master Of Souls (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 16) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 22-August-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269416
  • A Prayer for the Damned (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 17) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 22-August-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269973
  • Dancing with Demons (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 18) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 22-August-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269423
  • The Council of the Cursed (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 19) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 22-August-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269980
  • The Dove of Death (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 20) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 22-August-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269430
  • The Chalice of Blood (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 21) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 22-August-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269447
  • Behold A Pale Horse (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 22) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 5-September-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269454
  • The Seventh Trumpet (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 23) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 5-September-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269461
  • Atonement of Blood (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 24) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 5-September-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269478
  • The Devil's Seal (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 25) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 5-September-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269485
  • The Second Death (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 26) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 5-September-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269492
  • Penance of the Damned (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 27) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 5-September-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269508
  • Night of the Lightbringer (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 28) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 5-September-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269515
  • Bloodmoon (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 29) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 5-September-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269522
  • Blood in Eden (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 30) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 19-September-2019 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472269393
  • The Shapeshifter's Lair (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 31) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 9-July-2020 Edition EAN\ISBN-13 9781472276612
  • The House of Death (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 32) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 8-July-2021 Edition EAN/ISBN-13: 9781472277602
  • Death of a Heretic (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 33) Written by Peter Tremayne; Read by Caroline Lennon; 21-July-2022 Edition EAN/ISBN-13: ISBN-13: 9781472294340

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UK (English Language) Audio Books

  • Valley of the Shadow, read by Marie McCarthy, Magna Story Sound, Long Preston, Yorkshire, UK, ISBN 1-85903-313-X.  Time 12 hrs - 9 cassettes
  • A Prayer for the Damned, read by Annie Farr, Soundings, Isis House, Whitley Bay, UK. ISBN 978-1-84559-646-0. Time 14 hours - 12 Cassettes
  • Dancing With Demons, read by Caroline Lennon, Soundings, Isis House, Whitley Bay, UK. ISBN 978-1-4079-0431-3. Time 13 hours - 11 CDs
  • Master of Souls, read by Caroline Lennon, Soundings, Isis House, Whitley Bay, UK. ISBN 978-1-4079-0903-5. Time 13 hours 30 minutes, 12 CDs
  • Council of the Cursed, read by Caroline Lennon, Oakhill Publishing, 11hrs 8mins. Cassettes ISBN 978 1 84648 600 5 and CDs ISBN 978 1 84648 624 1. May 2009
  • The Dove of Death, read by Caroline Lennon, Soundings, Isis House, Whitley Bay, UK. December 1, 2009, Cassettes 10-14079141-03 and CDs 13 -978-1079141-07
  • Whispers of the Dead, read by Caroline Lennon, Soundings, Isis House, Whitley Bay, UK, September 2010, CDs ISBN 978-1-4079-2005-4. 12 hrs 30 mins
  • The Chalice of Blood, read by Caroline Lennon, Soundings, Isis House, Whitley Bay, UK, December 2010, CDs ISBN 978-1-4079-2188-4. 13hrs 30mins
  • Behold A Pale Horse (2012), read by Caroline Lennon, Soundings, Isis House, Whitley Bay, UK, February 2012, CDs  ISBN 978-1-4079-3132-6, running time approx. 12 hours
  • The Seventh Trumpet (2012), read by Caroline Lennon, Soundings, Isis House, Whitley Bay, UK, February 2012, CDs  ISBN 978-1-4079-3350-4, running time approx. 13 hours
  • Atonement of Blood (2014) read by Caroline Lennon, Soundings, Isis House, Whitley Bay, March 1, 2014, ISBN 978-1-4079-4-5897
  • The Devil's Seal, read by Caroline Lennon, Soundings, Isis House, Whitley Bay, UK, October 1, 2014, ISBN 978-1-4079-4767-9
  • The Second Death, read by Caroline Lennon, Soundings, Isis House, Whitley Bay, UK, December 1, 2015, ISBN 978-1-4079-5916-0, 9 CDs running time 12 hrs 30 mins
  • Penance of the Damned, read by Caroline Lennon, Soundings, Isis House, Whitley Bay, UK, October 2016, 12 hours. ISBN 978-1-4079-6370-9
  • Night of the Lightbringer (November 2017), read by Caroline Lennon, Soundings,  Isis House, Whitley Bay, UK, December 2017, 12 hours, 978-1-4079-69435
  • Bloodmoon (November 2018) read by Caroline Lennon, Soundings, Isis House, Whitley Bay, UK. 11 hrs30 mins, 978-1-4079-7545
  • Blood In Eden (November 2019) read by Caroline Lennon, Soundings, Isis House, Whitley Bay, UK. 11 hrs 30 mins, 978-1-4079-84186
  • The Shapeshifter's Lair (August 2020) read by Caroline Lennon, Soundings, Isis House, Whitley Bay, UK. 11 hrs 30 mins, 978-1-4079-90330
  • Death of a Heretic (August 2022) read by Caroline Lennon, Soundings, Isis House, Whitley Bay, UK. 11 hrs 7 mins ISBN 978-1-407-99021
  • The Revenge of the Stormbringer (July 2023) read by Caroline Lennon, Soundings, Isis House, Whitley Bay, UK. 11 hrs 56 mins ISBN 978-1-472-296078

All the recordings are available on CD, MP3 and Cassette.





(* note: all these audio books are unabridged)

German Audio Books


GermanCDCover1.jpgDer Audio Verlag GmbH, Berlin

  • Tod im Skriptorium (Suffer Little Children) has been published (January 2006) in a commercial stereo CD from Der Audio Verlag GmbH, Berlin. Details from It comes in two CDs running 106 mins. This is a recording of the play broadcast on German radio WDR5 on July 1 and 2, 2005, and repeated in October. Sissy Héfferer plays Sister Fidelma. The CD comes with a booklet on Peter Tremayne and the Fidelma series with information on leading members of the cast of the production.

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  • Ein Gebet fur die Verdammten (September 2007) - read by Susanne Dobrusskin - 5CDs
  • Die Tote in Klosterbrunnen (September 2007) - read by Susanne Dobrusskin - 5CDs

German Audio1.jpgBuchfunk and Audible Germany

  • Der Tod wird euch verchlingen (Penance of the Damned) read by Luise Schubert. Audiobuch CD from Buchfunk 12 hrs 22 mins. Also available on Audible Germany.

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21.jpg German Audio 31.jpg German Audio 41.jpgTechnisat (Audio Books - all read by actress Sabine Swobda) - reissues from Buchfunk

  • Nur der Tod bringt Vergenbung 2007
  • Der Kloster den toten Seelen 2007
  • Tod im der Kongisburg 2007
  • Tod im Tal der Heiden 2007
  • Der Tod Soll Auf Euch Kommen 2007
  • Tod vor den Morgenesse 2007

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By February 18, 2015, all 27 Fidelma Mysteries published by that date (up to and including The Second Death) were produced by Brilliance Audio on MP3 CDs. After that title, only downloadable audiobooks were produced by Audible has the entire series to date through their service. All the books were read by Caroline Lennon.

Talking Books for the Blind

The following Sister Fidelma titles have been issued by The Library of Congress, Talking Books and Braille Library Blind in the USA:

  • Absolution by Murder, read by Alita Kiaer, CBA 07675
  • Shroud for the Archbishop, read by Eileen Grughin, CBA 07676
  • Hemlock At Vespers, read by Martha Harmon Pardee, RC 061958
  • Whispers of the Dead, read by Martha Harmon Pardee, RC 061547
  • Suffer Little Children, read by Phil Regensdorf, 2 cassettes, RC 40925

Dutch Library for the Blind CDs

  • Absolutie voor Moord
  • Lijkwade voor eern aartsbisshop
  • Het web van Araglin