
    • 蜘蛛の巣〈下〉   蜘蛛の巣〈上〉 (The Spider’s Web) November 2006*
    • 幼き子らよ、我がもとへ〈上〉  幼き子らよ、我がもとへ〈下〉  (Suffer Little Children) September 2007*
    • 修道女フィデルマの叡智  (The Poison Chalice and other stories) 2009
      • (“The Poison Chalice,” “At the Tent of Holofernes,” “Our Lady of Death,” “The High King’s Sword,” “A Scream from the Sepulchre”)
    •  修道女フィデルマの洞察 (Hemlock at Vespers and other stories) 2010
      • (“Invitation to a Poisoning,” “Murder in Repose,” “The Horse that Died for Shame,” “Murder By Miracle,” “Hemlock At Vespers”)
    • 蛇、もっとも禍し〈上〉  蛇、もっとも禍し〈下〉  (The Subtle Serpent) November 2009*  
    • 死をもちて赦されん (Absolution By Murder) January 2011
    • サクソンの司教冠 (Shroud for the Archbishop) March 2012
    • 修道女フィデルマの探求  (“A Canticle for Wulfstan” and other stories) 2012
      • (“Holy Blood,” “Tarnished Halo,” “Abbey Sinister,” “Those That Trespass,” “A Canticle for Wulfstan”)
    • 翳深き谷〈下〉 翳深き谷〈上〉 (The Valley of the Shadow) December 2013*
    • 消えた修道士〈上〉 消えた修道士〈下〉 (The Monk Who Vanished) November 2015*
    • 修道女フィデルマの挑戦  (“Whispers of the Dead” and other stories) 2017
      • (“The Comb Bag,” “The Blemish,” “Whispers of the Dead,” “The Banshee,” “The Lost Eagle,” “Dark Moon Rising”)
    • 憐れみをなす者〈上〉  憐れみをなす者〈下〉 (Act of Mercy) February 2021*
    • 修道女フィデルマの采配  (“The Heir Apparent” and other stories) 2022
      • (“The Astrologer Who Predicted His Own Murder,” “Who Stole the Fish?,” “The Fosterer,” “Cry ‘Wolf’!,” “The Heir Apparent”)
    • 昏き聖母〈上〉  昏き聖母〈下〉 (Our Lady of Darknesss) March 10, 2023*
    • 風に散る煙〈上〉風に散る煙〈下〉Smoke in the Wind, July 19, 2024

* Depending on the length of the translated book, the publisher often issues a title in a 2-volume set


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