FOREIGN (non-English language) EDITIONS
As requested by our many members around the world, below is an updated complete breakdown of all foreign language editions to date. See below for country-specific information.
- Cicuta al Anochecer (Hemlock At Vespers) October 2005
- Susurros de los Muertos (Whispers of the Dead) December 2006
- Sinodo en Witebia (Absolution By Murder) 2007
- Un sudaro para Arzobispo (Shroud for the Archbishop) May 2009
- Koulm ar Marv (The Dove of Death) October 2010
- Kegid d’ar Gousparou (Hemlock at Vespers) September 2014
AN ALARC’H (Breizh)
- Absolvenn dre vuntur (Absolution By Murder) October, 2012
- Marv an arc’heskob (Shroud for the Archbishop) October 2016
- Marc’heger ar Marv (Behold A Pale Horse) 2019
ERA (Bulgaria)
- Shroud for the Archbishop, March 2007
- Suffer Little Children, August 2007
- The Spider’s Web, October 2008
- Rozhreseni vrazdou (Absolution By Murder) 2004
- Nechte Malickych (Suffer Little Children) 2004
- Paní tenmot (Our Lady of Darkness) August 2005
- Dym ve vertu (Smoke in the Wind) March 2007
- Opat S Mecem (The Haunted Abbot) October 2007
- Zly Uplnek (Badger’s Moon) June 2008
- Zvon Malomocného (The Leper’s Bell) 2008
- Pán Dusí (Master of Souls) July 2009
- Modlitba za zatrancence (A Prayer for the Damned) December 2009
- Tenec s Démony (Dancing With Demons) July 2010
- Ztraceny Relikviár (Council of the Cursed) November 2010
- Holubice smrti (The Dove of Death) June 2011
- Kalich Kvre (The Chalice of Blood) February 2012
- Rubás pro arcibiskups (Shroud for the Archbishop) October 2012
- Jezdec věstí smrt (Behold A Pale Horse) May 2013
- Sedmá Polnice (The Seventh Trumpet) October 2013
- Symbol smrti (The Subtle Serpent) August 2014
- Vykouponí krví (Atonement of Blood) August 2015
- Pavoucí Sít (The Spider’s Web) May 2016
- Dábloca Pecet (The Devil’s Seal) 2016
- Údolí Stínu (Valley of the Shadow) September 2017
- Druhá Smrt (The Second Death) April 2018
- Mnich Který Zmízel (The Monk Who Vanished) 2019
- Pokání Mrtvých (Penance of the Damned) October 2019
- Smrt z Milosti (Act of Mercy) November 2, 2020
- Noc Světlonoše (Night of the Lightbringer) June 2021
- Krvavý měsíc (Bloodmoon) June 2022
- Krev vráji (Blood in Eden) June 2023
- Dourê Ulkodlaka (The Shapeshifter’s Lair) April 2024
- Forthcoming
- House of Death, 2025
ODAMEES (Estonia)
- Lunastus mõrva läbi (Absolution By Murder) November 2006
- Peapiiskopi surilina (Shroud for the Archbishop) 2007
- Laske lapsukesed (Suffer Little Children) September 2008
VIIKING (Estonia)
- Kaval madu (The Subtle Serpent) January 2018
EDITIONS 10-18 (France)
- Absolution par le meutre (Absolution by Murder) 2004
- Le suaire de l’archeveque (Shroud for the Archbishop) 2004
- Les cinq royaumes (Suffer Little Children) 2004
- La ruse du serpent (The Subtle Serpent) June, 2005
- Le secret de móen (The Spider’s Web) 2005
- La mort aux trois visages (Valley of the Shadows) May 2006
- Le sang du moine (The Monk Who Vanished) December 2006
- La pèlerinage de soeur Fidelma (Act of Mercy) May 2007
- La dame des ténèbres (Our Lady of Darkness) November 2007
- Les disparus de dyfed (Smoke in the Wind) April 2008
- La châtiment de l’au-delà (The Haunted Abbot) October 2008
- Les mystères de la luna (Badger’s Moon) January 2009
- De la ciguë pour les veprês (Hemlock At Vespers) July 2009
- La cloche du lépreux (The Lepers Bell) November 2009
- Maitre des âmes (Master of Souls) March 2010
- Une prière pour les damnés (A Prayer for the Damned) November 2010
- Une danse avec les démons, (Dancing with Demons) February 2011
- Le concile des maudits (The Council of the Cursed) July 2011
- La colombe de la mort (The Dove of Death) April 5, 2012
- La parole des morts (Whispers of the Dead) July 2012
- Un calice de sang (The Chalice of Blood) February 2013
- Le cavalier blanc (Behold A Pale Horse) October 17, 2013
- La septième trompette (The Seventh Trumpet) 2014
- Expiation par le sang (Atonement of Blood) Autumn 2014
- Le sceaudiable (The Devil’s Seal) May 2015
- La confrérie du corbeau (The Second Death) June 2016
- La pénitence des damnés (Penance of the Damned) March 2017
- La nuit du porte-lumière (Night of the Lightbringer) May 2018
- Une lune de sang (Bloodmoon) May 2019
- Du sang au paradis (Blood in Eden) January 2021
- Le jeteus de sort (The Shapeshifter’s Lair) August 2021
- Le conseil de sept (The House of Death) July 2022
- Mort d’un hérétique (Death of a Heretic) August 2023
- La fill de la Tempête (Revenge of the Stormbringer) May 2024
- Forthcoming
- La prophétesse de condres (Prophet of Blood) 2025
GRAND LIVRES DU MOIS (France – “Book of the Month Club”)
- Absolution par le meurtre, January 2005
- Le suaire de l’archeveque, 2005
ROWOHLT (Germany)
- Nur der Tod bringt Vergebung (Absolution By Murder) 1998
- Ein Totenhemd für den Erzbischof (Shroud for the Archbishop) 1998
- Nur der Tod bringt Vergebung (new edition) 2003
- Ein Totenhemd für deb Erzbischof (new edition) 2003
- Die Tote im Klosterbrunnen (The Subtle Serpent) 2000
- Tod im Skriptorium (Suffer Little Children) 2001
- Der Tote am Steinkreuz (The Spider’s Web) 2001
- Tod in der Königsburg (The Monk Who Vanished) 2002
- Tod auf dem Pilgerschiff (Act of Mercy) 2002
- Vor dem Tod sindallegleich (Our Lady of Darkness) 2003
- Das Kloster der toten Seelen (Smoke in the Wind) July 2004
- Verneig dich vor dem Tod (The Haunted Abbot) January 2005
- Tod bei Vollmond (Badger’s Moon) June 2005
- Tod im Tal der Heiden (Valley of the Shadow) January 2006
- Der Tod Soll Auf Euch Kommen (The Leper’s Bell) June 2006
- Tod vor den Morgenmesse (Master of Souls) February 2007
- Ein Gebet für Verdammten (A Prayer for the Damned) May 2007
- Tod den alten Gotten (Dancing With Demons) July 2008
- Das Konzil der Verdammten (Council of the Cursed) December 2008
- Der Falsche Apostel (Hemlock at Vespers) April 30, 2009
- Eine Taube bringt den Tod (The Dove of Death) January 2010
- Der Blutkeltch (Chalice of Blood) December 2010
- Die Todesfee (Whispers of the Dead) October 2011
- Und die Hölle folgte ihm nach (Behold A Pale Horse) February 2012
- Die Pforten der Todes (The Seventh Trumpet) December 2012
- Das Sühneopfer (Atonement of Blood) December 2013
- Sendboten des Teufels (The Devil’s Seal) December 2014
- Der Lohn der Sünde (The Second Death) February 2016
- Der Tod wirdeuchverschlingen (Penance of the Damned) December 2016
- Die Wahrheit ist der Lüge Tod (“The Lair of the White Fox” and other stories) ISBN 978-3-7466-3372-5, February 16, 2018
- Ihr Los ist Firsternis (The Night of the Lightbringer) October 2018
- Wer Lügen Sät (Bloodmoon) August 16, 2019
- Die Sünden der Gerechten (Blood in Eden) November 2020
- Tod den finisteren Mächten (The Shapeshifter’s Lair) translated by Bela Wohl, November 15, 2021
- Das Pestschrift (House of Death) translated by Bela Wohl, November 15, 2022
- Der Tod des Ketzers (Death of a Heretic) November 14, 2023
- Wer Sturm sät (Revenge of the Stormbringer) November 2024
- Forthcoming
- Sein blut komme über euch (Prophet of Blood) 2025
- Grave of the Lawgiver (2025)
AUFBAU – Special Promotional Paperbacks
- Die Tote im Klosterbrunnen (The Subtle Serpent) 9th ed. 2004
- Nur Der Tod Bringt Vergbung (Absolution By Murder) 6th ed. 2005
- Tod auf den Pilgerschiff (Act of Mercy) July, 2013 (nb: special edition with additional article on Fidelma historical background from Mirogue magazine)
CLUB TASCHENBUCH (Germany – Berlin)
- Tod im Skriptorium, 2004
- Tod vor der Morgenmesse – mit Die Freistatt (Master of Souls with “The Sanctuary,” an extra Fidelma short story) October 2007
- Der Tote am Steinkreuze (The Spider’s Web) October 200
RÜTTEN AND LOENING (Germeny – Berlin)
- Tod im Skriptorium (mitmusik CD) 2006 [special gift hardcover edition with a CD of Irish music]
- Tod in der Königsbuirg (The Monk Who Vanished) October, 2016 (special illustrated collector’s item)
- Cur der Tod bringt Vergebung, March 2008
- Die Tote im Klosterbrunnen, March 2008
- Tod in der Kongisburg, March 2008
A special collector’s edition in hardcover which the publishers have announced as “For the first time and the only such publication in the world, there is now a complete Sister Fidelma series in a uniform edition.”
- Nur der Tod bringt Vegebung (Absolution By Murder) January 2015
- Ein Totenhemd fur den Erzbischof (Shroud for the Archbishop) February 2015
- Tod im Skriptorium (Suffer Little Children) February 2015
- Die Tote im Klosterbrunnen (The Subtle Serpent) March 2015
- Der Tote am Steinkreuz (The Spider’s Web) March 2015
- Tod im Tal der Heiden (Valley of the Shadow) November 2015
- Tod in der Konigsburg (The Monk Who Vanished) November 2015
- Tod aud der Pilgershiff (Act of Mercy) December 2015
- Vor dem Tod sindallegleich (Our Lady of Darkness) 2016
- Das Kloster der toten Seelend (Smoke in the Wind) 2016
- Verneig dich vor dem Tod (The Haunted Abbot) 2016
- Tod bei Vollmond (Badger’s Moon) 2016
LINGEN VERLAG (Germany – Berlin)
- Die Tote im Klosterbrunnen (popular hardcover edition) June 2006
- Nur Der Tod bringt Vergebung (popular hardcover edition) April 2007
- Tod auf dem Pilgershift, June 2008
- Tod im Scriptorium, November 2009
- Ein Totenhemd für den Erzbishof (special edition) May 2010
- Vor dem Tod sindallegleich, June 2011
- Der Tod Soll Auf Euch Kommen (The Leper’s Bell) July 2013
- Der Tote am Steinkreuz (The Spider’s Web) September 2014
DIE ZEIT (Germany)
A special edition from the mass market German newspaper
- Das Konzil der Verdammten (July 2010); Special introduction by Martina Hartmann
- Absolution by Murder, 1996
- Shroud for the Archbishop, 1997
- Suffer Little Children, 2002
- Valley of the Shadow, 2003
- Act of Mercy, 2005
- Our Lady of Darkness, 2006
- Scréach ón Tuama (A Scream from the Sepulchre) December 2008
- This is the ONLY Sister Fidelma story ever translated into the Irish language (no English content whatsoever) – available exclusively from the Society in PDF format via our secure Payment Portal
HOBBY & WORK (Italy) – Hobby & Work Publishing S.r.l., via Achille Varisco 1, 20052 Monza, MI, Italy
- L’Abbazia degli Innocenti (Suffer Little Children) 2001
- L’Astuzia del Serpente (The Subtle Serpent) 2002
- I Crimini del Ragno (The Spider’s Web) 2002
- Un Sudaio per Il Vescovo (Shroud for the Archbishop) 2003
- Nostra Signora delle Tenebre (Our Lady of Darkness) October 2004
- L’Abate Maledetto (The Haunted Abbot) July 2005
- Delitti di Fuoco (Smoke in the Wind) 2006
- Luna assassina (Badger’s Moon) December 15, 2006
- Rintocchi di Morte (The Leper’s Bell) July 2007
- Una preghiera per i dannati (A Prayer for the Damned) March 2008
- Danzando con il Diavolo (Dancing With Demons) January 2009
- I neri agenti della notte (An Ensuing Evil) September 2009
HOBBY & WORK (Paperbacks) – Hobby & Work Publishing S.r.l., via Achille Varisco 1, 2005, Monza, MI, Italy
- Nostra Signora delle Tenebre (Our Lady of Darkess) March 2009
- L’Abate Maledetto (The Haunted Abbot) March 2009
- Delitti di Fuoco (Smoke in the Wind) July 2009
- Luna assassina (Badger’s Moon) July 2009
- Rintocchi di morte (The Leper’s Bell) 2010
- Una Preghiera per Dannati (A Prayer for the Damned) 2010
- Danzando con il Diavolo (Dancing With Demons) March 2011
- I neri agenti della nottee (An Ensuing Evil) April 2012
TASCABILI EDITORE (TEA) – mass market Italian paperbacks
- L’Abbazia degli Innocenti, March 2004
- L’Astuzia del Serpente, December 2004
- I Crimini del Ragno, May 2005
- Un Suderio per il Vescovo, September 2006
HACHETTE ITALIA (Newsstand paperbacks only)
- SERIES Codici segreti della Storia – Series No.
- 32. L’Abate Maledetto (The Haunted Abbot) July 29, 2006
- 36. L’Abbazia degli innocent (Suffer Little Children) August 28, 2006
- 48. L’astutzia de serpente (The Subtle Serpent) November 25, 2006
- 49. Un Sudario per il vescovo (Shroud for the Archbishop) December 2, 2006
- 50. Nostra signora delle tenebre (Our Lady of Darkness) December 9, 2006
- 蜘蛛の巣〈下〉 蜘蛛の巣〈上〉 (The Spider’s Web) November 2006*
- 幼き子らよ、我がもとへ〈上〉 幼き子らよ、我がもとへ〈下〉 (Suffer Little Children) September 2007*
- 修道女フィデルマの叡智 (The Poison Chalice and other stories) 2009
- (“The Poison Chalice,” “At the Tent of Holofernes,” “Our Lady of Death,” “The High King’s Sword,” “A Scream from the Sepulchre”)
- 修道女フィデルマの洞察 (Hemlock at Vespers and other stories) 2010
- (“Invitation to a Poisoning,” “Murder in Repose,” “The Horse that Died for Shame,” “Murder By Miracle,” “Hemlock At Vespers”)
- 蛇、もっとも禍し〈上〉 蛇、もっとも禍し〈下〉 (The Subtle Serpent) November 2009*
- 死をもちて赦されん (Absolution By Murder) January 2011
- サクソンの司教冠 (Shroud for the Archbishop) March 2012
- 修道女フィデルマの探求 (“A Canticle for Wulfstan” and other stories) 2012
- (“Holy Blood,” “Tarnished Halo,” “Abbey Sinister,” “Those That Trespass,” “A Canticle for Wulfstan”)
- 翳深き谷〈下〉 翳深き谷〈上〉 (The Valley of the Shadow) December 2013*
- 消えた修道士〈上〉 消えた修道士〈下〉 (The Monk Who Vanished) November 2015*
- 修道女フィデルマの挑戦 (“Whispers of the Dead” and other stories) 2017
- (“The Comb Bag,” “The Blemish,” “Whispers of the Dead,” “The Banshee,” “The Lost Eagle,” “Dark Moon Rising”)
- 憐れみをなす者〈上〉 憐れみをなす者〈下〉 (Act of Mercy) February 2021*
- 修道女フィデルマの采配 (“The Heir Apparent” and other stories) 2022
- (“The Astrologer Who Predicted His Own Murder,” “Who Stole the Fish?,” “The Fosterer,” “Cry ‘Wolf’!,” “The Heir Apparent”)
- 昏き聖母〈上〉 昏き聖母〈下〉 (Our Lady of Darknesss) March 10, 2023*
- 風に散る煙〈上〉風に散る煙〈下〉Smoke in the Wind, July 19, 2024
* Depending on the length of the translated book, the publisher often issues a title in a 2-volume set
FEMIS (Poland)
- Cien Kruczego Skrzydla (Absolution By Murder) September 2007
- Morte por Luxúrua (Absolution By Murder), the Brazilian (Portuguese) edition of the first of the Sister Fidelma titles, Sao Paolo, Brazil. Published June 2005, ISBN 85-87537-81-4.
- Absolution By Murder, March 2008
EDHASA (Spain)
- Hardbacks
- Absolution Por Asesinato (Absolution by Murder) 2001
- Una Mortaia Para El Arzobispo (Shroud for the Archbishop) 2002
- Sufrid, Pequenos (Suffer Little Children) 2002
- La Serpiente Sutil (The Subtle Serpent) 2003
- La Telaraña (The Spider’s Web) 2004-05-31
- El Valle de las Sombras (Valley of the Shadow) June 2005
- (The Monk Who Vanished) June 2006
- Un Acto de Misericordia (Act of Mercy) June 2007
- Nuestra Senora de las Tinieblas (Our Lady of Darkness) July 2008
- Paperbacks
- La Telaraña (The Spider’s Web) 2004
- La Serpiente Sutil (The Subtle Serpent) 2005
POLAR (Edhasa – Spain)
- Absolución par Asessinato (Absolution By Murder) February 2015
QUINTETO (Spain – Paperbacks)
- Absolution Por Asesinato (Absolution By Murder) October 2009
- Una mortaia para el Arzbispo (Shroud for the Archbishop) October 2010
Colección – Historical Crime (Newsstand Editions) 2007
- 1 Absolución por Asesinato (Absolution By Murder)
- 9 Una mortaia para al Arzobispo (Shroud for the Archbishop)
- 15 Sufrid Pequeños (Suffer Little Children)
- 23 La Serpiente Sutil (The Subtle Serpent)
- 31 La Telaraña (The Spider’s Web)
- 39 El Valle de las Sombras (Valley of the Shadow)
- 45 El Monie Desaparecido (The Monk Who Vanished)
- Frälsande Mord (Absolution By Murder) September 2007
- Arkebiskopens Hemlighet (Shroud for the Archbishop) April 2009
DE LEESKAMER (The Netherlands)
- Absolutie voor moord (Absolution By Murder) May 2003
- Lijkwade voor een aartsbischop (Shroud for the Archbishop) May 2004
- Moord in de abdij (Suffer Little Children) June 2005
- De listige slang (The Subtle Serpent) May 2006
- Het web van Araglin (The Spider’s Web) Autumn 2006
- De vallei van het kwaad (The Valley of the Shadows) May 2007
- De verdwenen monnik (The Monk Who Vanished) October 2007
- Dood van eenpelgrim (Act of Mercy) May 2008
- Vrouwe van het duister (Our Lady of Darkness) October 2008
- Het klooster van de dode zielen (Smoke in the Wind) May 2009
- De gekwelde abt (The Haunted Abbot) October 2009
- De nacht van de das (Badger’s Moon) June 2010
- De leprozenbel (The Leper’s Bell) October 2011
- Moord uit de golven (Master of Souls) October 2012
- Een gebed voor de verdoemden (A Prayer for the Damned) July 2013
- Dansen met demonen (Dancing With Demons) February 2015
- Het Valse concilie (Council of the Cursed) January 2017
- De duif des doods (The Dove of Death) October 2019
- De bloedkelk (The Chalice of Blood) August 2020
- Da Zevende Bacuin (The Seventh Trumpet) August 2021
- Verlossing door bloed (Atonement of Blood) June 2022
- En de hel Volgde hem (Behold a Pale Horse) March 2023
- Bezoeleld halo (Hemlock At Vespers) May 2024
- Het zegel van de duivel (The Devil’s Seal) May 2024